Navigation bridge simulator HOMAR.NAV to training of the crews of Naval units allowing in regards to tactical navigation and maneuvering in accordance with requirement of the IMO and STCW 78/95 convention. It aloows to learn, test and exam lecturers, in accordance with Regulation I/12 of STCW convention, also A-I/12 and B-I/12 from STCW code.
The main part of that simulator is a fully equipped navigation bridge, expanded by 7 LCD displays (diag 42"), that allows image to be presented horizontaly with angle of 210°.
System comprises the bridge station and the trainer station. Each of those stations is completely equipped by the company, some elements of the equipment:
- dedicated furniture,
- handles,
- instruments,
- computer with software,
- computer displays,
Instructor post![]() |
Bridge post![]() |
Tactical bridges team has been build with usage of modern computer technology, some of the elements of it was introduced to the market in 2010. We've put innovative solutions used by creating that simulator, some of them are mentioned below:
- usage of the tactical binoculars system in simulator for the first time, allowing to change image displayed in binoculars in horizontal plane angle of 360º,
- generating image from a single computer equippped with multichanel projection system with multiplication of grahpic channels,
- cooperation of integrated tactical bridges and main bridge with possibility to train in team (all posts run the same scenario), or each post does it's own scenario.
Some of navigation bridge elements. | |||
![]() |
Lights panel
gyro column
Vision subsystem allows to generat bridge view including time of a day, weather conditions, sea state and objects (navigation lights, navigation signs). Use of the bridge is possible thanks to 3 desktops, on which all typcal and informational bridge instruments are located.
Instructor post![]() |
Information Panel![]() |
Instructor post - functionalities:
- create, edit and selection of training exercises for bridge post,
- training preview on the map, wit ability to change exercise durring practicing (adding objects, moving objects, editing object's move parameters)
- preview from navigation bridge screeens, on additional displays,
- influence on weather conditions,
- possibility to record whose exercise with ability to review later,
On the instructor post is possible to control learning process, and control that simulator. Instrukctor post has been equipped with a desk with extension, where 7 displays have been placed. Those displays show exact image as on the bridge. It allows Operator to see preview of the bridge station without leaving his own post. On the desk a standard display has been placed, on which instructor got access to main application window. It allows to change exercise parameters, preview current navigation status, and replay exercises that were recorded previously.
Instructor post allowsoperator to change weather conditions, move parameters of the vessel and targets, also possibility to define armament and create an to one of trainees ships.
Bridge post - functionalities:
- visualisation of chosen veesel's enviroment
- generating sound effects (surroundings, engine operation, other units)
- complete control panel
- indicators of real navigation devices. rzeczywistych urządzeń nawigacyjnych
- information panel that displays all settings and basic navigation parameters
- navigation table with navigation volume repetitor, equipped with nautical charts
W celu prowadzenia nawigacji taktycznej, każdy z mostków wyposażony został w dwa panele taktyczne oraz system lornetki taktycznej. System ten umożliwia obserwację sceny w płaszczyźnie poziomej w kącie 360 o z możliwości zbliżenia obiektu i pomiaru odległości do niego. Każdy z mostków taktycznych zintegrowany został ze stanowiskiem instruktora który nadzoruje przebiegu procesu szkolenia oraz z mostkiem głównym stanowiącym okręt flagowy.

Technical details
Real bridge devices: |
adjustable screw propeller |
Simulation of navigation devices: |
GPS reciever with chartplotter |
Training areas: |
Gdansk Bay with entrances to the harbors of Gdansk, Gdynia |
Development and support
Depending on the customer’s requirements there are possible extended configurations with additional training posts, external devices or software functions.